Invest In your Future

All Donations are Tax Deductible. FEDERAL TAX ID : 95-4414126

 “Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, Allah will reward that person with a place in Paradise.” (Hadith Al-Bukhari)

Dear Brothers and Sisters  Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Currently we are actively looking for a place to establish a permanent location for Islamic Center of North Hollywood. There are two very active initiatives we are pursuing parallel to achieve our goal.

1) We found an existing place which is already constructed and approved to be ran as Non Profit religious organisation. We won’t be needing any special permits from the city and can move in as soon we complete the purchase. This place is about 2 miles from our exiting center. This place is on  short sale and we need to rasie the funds within 2 weeks. If Allah wills, and if we are able to raise the money, this is a preffered option for all of us. The listed sale price for this place is $1.7 Million .

2) We also found a place which is a bare land ( costs us around 500K ) and a construction of a new building (approx 750K). This place is also 2 miles from our existing center.

We all need to act fast because we have very limited time . Please donate as much as you can to reach our goal and invest in your future for a great return to you and your generations who will be using this center. Please, we also humbly request you to share the word for this cause of Allah SWT. If you need any further information, please email us or call us and we will be happy to provide any information.

 Donation Online:

Donation by Mail:    Please make your checks or money orders payable to “Islamic Center of North Hollywood”

Islamic Center of North Hollywood

5114 Vineland Ave North Hollywood, CA 91601.

Donation  by  Direct Deposits:  If you would like to direct deposits  into bank account via teller or wire transfer, please contact via email to We will promptly get back to you on details and the process.

Donation Pledges : You can also email  us at to pledge. Please send us your contact information along with the amount. We will reach out to you to make necessary arrangements.



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